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Friday, June 29, 2012

what those with chronic pain or illness dont want hear you say.

Found something that I thought should be shared. This article is very true and people need to understand that even if they have the best intentions coments like these are NOT well recieved and can cause emotional pain that will just add to the already over burdened emotional status. Honestly the "true" friends are the ones that just come over and offer to help any way they can, even if it is just sitting with me quietly and chatting about nothing important. Also just listening to me and allowing me to vent my frustration over my health and having no controll is more help than you can imagin. please take a moment and pass this on maybe liking it on Facebook or Twitter so more people will be made aware.

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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Great day at the park!

My oldest daughter spent the night with me to help take care of my grandson. She is special needs and hasn't really done much with him and is a bit scared to touch him, to be honest. She wanted to spend time with me so she came over on fathers day and we went shopping and made my husband a wonderful meal that my son mostly cooked as his gift to him.

 We all had a wonderful time working together to get this meal done and Martin enjoyed it immensely. Darcy helped me take care of Kristian the next day holding him a few times to allow me to do something else. She had fun making faces at him which makes him laugh in such a cute way.

We all, (Darcy, Tristan and I) decided to go to the park and have a picnic. We grabbed McDonald's dollar menu burgers and went to sit on the grass and eat them. Have a fun picture we managed to take with a bit of juggling with the phone to make sure everyone was in it.

Kristian  loved looking up at the trees moving overhead.

We also put him in the stroller and walked a bit allowing Tristan to go play on the jungle gym. We were all hot and tired by the end of the day but it was worth it to get to spend time with my family and be productive for a change.
When Lydia got home from work Kristian was a bit fussy and worn out so we tried to get him set up so he could look at everything like he enjoys doing.

He is more happy being set up on the knee so he can look around. Kristian is very interested in seeing everything and loves to coo and "talk" now. Unfortunately he is also drooling up a storm so a snugly (burp cloth) is required at all times. Of cource grandma loves dressing him up in "appropriate" clothes....
He's such a cutie!

Was such a great day and I'm very grateful that my body allowed me to participate. I did end with some rather bad pain by the end of the day but let me tell you, it was WORTH it! :)

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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Starting over

June 5, 2012

Time to update! I am now unemployed after 3 years of giving it my all for a company that doesn't care. I was railroaded and had to stand my ground and quit. I am actually very happy about this since it has taken a load off my back! I feel superbly free and can now do some things that need to be done, like cleaning my I have been pushing myself to be able to get things done that haven't been touched in such a long time. I am in bad shape physically and am having to medicate myself to be able to do it but I am determined to accomplish "something" in my home rather than in someones business. I have also been helping take care of my grandson so am very happy about that. He is the light of my world and the joy of my heart. I have such a fun time talking to him and cooing at him and my family thinks it is very funny. I just wish that I had a better body to be able to do more with him since I get very tired and things start hurting. Ah well, at least I get him in my life and I am very grateful for that!
Well will have to write more later since sleep meds are kicking in and cant see the screen very well. O.o

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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Another bump in the road

Life is so wonserful and faithful to dump as much on you at once as it can. For example, I have one remaining overy so what do I need but a nice big cyst growing on it to make it nice and painful. Makes everyday that much more difficult, as if it werent already hard enough. Dunno what needs to be done about it but its not fun to live with right now, let me asure you. Seems like Im on the fast track to getting old and I havent even been able to "sow my wild oats" so to speak.
Now Im also having to deal with pregnaunt teen who is at risk to deliver early and my father who is in a condition Im not sure I ready to cope with. Feels like like the midlife "hump" is more like an unseen mountain and Im in no shape for rock climbing.
Right now life sucks and I have no option to be able to do the normal copeing since my body is emphatic about turning on me in every way. Being off my "happy pills" for a couple weeks makes my view of things rather dark too.
Am trying to decide if Im going to force myself to go to work today since had a really bad night lastnight and think Im getting sice eventhough I just got off antibiotics for sinus infection...sigh