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Friday, January 28, 2011

Fell again...

Well fell again last night while out in garage...This is very painful and frustrating! I feel like it has become more hazardous just to walk than it ever has before. I slipped in a tinny patch of water, and I mean tiny. Left foot shot out from under me and of course tried to stop from hitting the concrete but that resulted in twisting various body parts.
I hurt like crazy today!!
I feel like I have been beaten or run over or something nasty and am dreading going to work.
Yesterday was not a good day for me as far as accidents, every other minute I was banging or scraping something and then the fall to top the day off...sigh.
I am very frustrated with my body these days and how it turns on me.
I am needing to go get in the shower and get ready for work but I'm still not moving very well so might either go in late or call off for the day, haven't decided yet.

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Saturday, January 1, 2011