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Sunday, October 24, 2010


I love the changing of the leaves and the cooler weather. Halloween is on the way and am bummed that I have to work it but that's life. Have no clue what I'm going to dress up as forth contest at work. I don't really want to go as the same thing again.Wish I had a costume like my husbands but haven't been able to afford the ones I want. Am picky.
Have put up cobwebs all over our bays at work for that contest and boy if we don't win then there is something wrong with the judges sight! We have the stuff strung up the walls and up to the lights. Even our desks are looking like they are infested with large spiders. Will have to get pictures of it.
Am hoping that tomorrow I get to help son decorate the yard. He has been looking forward to it and I haven't had time while working but will make it now that it is the weekend for me. Have all my pumpkins I made to stick out in the yard. Don't know how we are going to hang the bat though with ladder broken. Will have to think of something.
Still have so many boxes to go through in the garage and more to get out of mom and dads garage. I have a hard time going through my old life and have to cut most of it away. There are so many things that mean something to me! I hang on to way to much though and need to move on from the past. I have a new life with my husband and nothing else means as much as he does to me. They are THINGS he is EVERYTHING, simple as that. But it is a challenge....
He is frustrated with all this weeping and me sharing every little thing or memory with him. I know it means nothing to him and am sorry that I can move faster.
On that note, I hurt! boy I feel so old anymore that it's scary! Those joints and muscles I used to be able to trust are all suspect with every move. Lately the on going all over pain is driving me crazy, especially at work. Had an episode at work yesterday that made me want to howl! I felt like every nerve ending was on fire. I was putting out heat and my wolf mask (butterfly mask) on my face was very red.I wanted to run home and strip everything that was on by skin. The erg was Strong to do it right there at Would have scared so many people if I had though so chose to suffer in silence.
I swear my veins are the things causing the deep electric pain running through my body also.
Oh well, one more wonderful thing to experience in life. And I do love life, just wished it had a few less hick ups.

Well, sleeping pill is kicking in so better get to bed before I can't

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